Accounting and Economics LO27706

From: Benjamin Compton (
Date: 01/22/02

Replying to LO27687 --

Andrew solemnly asks:

>Where does the 'buck stop' in modern organizational life?
>Who is accountable as a 'leader' -whether as CEO or supervisor?

I have a favorite painting, the "Son of Man" by Renee Magritte. You can
see it at:

A print of this picture hangs in my office.

For me, it represents how most in the corporate world work to avoid
responsibility and accountability.

If you look at the picture carefully -- or even casually -- you'll find
that your mind will fill in the details of the man's face. The apple that
hides the face is nearly transparent to our sub-concious mind.

So it is in the corporate world. . .those who hide are only fooling
themselves. Our sub-conscious mind fills in all the details. .
.eventually, depending on our sense of self-awareness, we'll identify
those trying to hide. Then the buck stops!

The greater tragedy is the complex game of hide-and-seek that goes on
within an organization -- someone is always trying to hide something. It's
fairly obvious. But so many people are playing "hide" that few want to
play "seek" -- people just act as if everything were fine despite the
obviousness of the lie.

So the question is: Do we play hide or do we play seek? I've always felt
that an LO is about playing seek while refusing to play hide.


"Benjamin Compton" <>

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