Accounting and Economics LO27687

Date: 01/16/02

Dear Learners,

I have a few questions. I have a few statements.

Where does the 'buck stop' in modern organizational life?

Who is accountable as a 'leader' -whether as CEO or supervisor?

Is the net result of 'corporate' corruption reversible?

Is someone who drives ordinary and faithful followers to the brink of
total ruin and maybe even suicide a terrorist by another name?

When will those with enough talent and cleverness to manipulate so many
systems of privilege to their own advantage create enough intelligence
within themselves to realise that the time they say they never had enough
of doesn't exist?

Why has no-one (so far as I know in the public domain here) 'picked up'
the tab I offered on the Enron scandal posting I wrote? Is it not a worthy
enough as an issue to have a dialogue on then;-) now, in the near

Tom Johnson the famous ex-accountant, when asked what was 'wrong' with the
system of 'corporate business' said there was 'not enough virtue'. He said
that '70%' of what 'is wrong' is to do with virtue. Was he a twit? What is
virtue worth to corporate life.

As life becomes more transparent a new form of democracy will arise. I can
see it arising. All such emergences have lashing tails, vortices. There is
pain in abundance at attending such birthings. It will be like a kind of
madness. Can anyone here sense it upon the far horizon?

Shall we keep on doing what is familiar and plentiful toward our 'limited
case' mortgages, becoming 'clinically obese' to the point of epidemic
proportions, our children going 'quietly mad' ( one in five children in
'developed countries' sic. show signs of clinical depression) while four
fifths of the world lives on less than two dollars a day?

Where is the virtue, who is the virtuous. Does it matter and do we care?


Mr. Andrew Campbell MBA


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