World LO28598

Date: 05/24/02

Dear At de Lange and LO,

I have some unfamiliar writing here in front of me, on my desk. i want to
share it among our peers.

"- History reserves some of its greatest accolades for those who amidst
tyranny and idolatry, remain true to what is deepest in their conscience.
-For them, conscience and not circumstances is the final arbiter. In the
crucible of the moment they are often written off as villains, but with
the long march of history they come to be honoured as visionaries. They
refuse to let history categorise them as victims, but stand their ground,
wrestle with powers and principalities and emerge victorious."

A woman asked me my thoughts on the events of September 11th in New York
and Washington last year. i said like many i imagine that it was an event
between the forces of good and the forces of evil. And, I said that while
well full knowing the power of LEM. How blind are the blind? Soon we might
know. And we can work in the meantime.

i have asked Rick to place an image on the WWW that tacitly we have
variously and by degrees co-created with images of May's
Learning-Organization in the Gambia. The image is my foundation stone. It
is a singuplex lesson for this distinguished company of men and women.
Right now she needs help. Those whom she is serving need help. In serving
these children she is serving you and me (WE) in the crucible of Africa.
Learned people, inundate me with your entropy production and send
assistance of the kind that i leave to your imagination. Yes, for those
in doubt i am begging. For those who worry, i am not holding my breath. In
helping please use both the concrete world and the spiritual world of you
imaginations. Not either/or i choose to beg for both/and from you, my
peers. May has painted a picture IN the real world - what are we doing?
The choice as Senge said it 'is yours', if you are truly free.

[Host's Note: Andrew's image is at



andrew campbell


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