Why Learning Organization? LO29564

From: Mushariwa, Nelson (nelson.mushariwa@namdeb.com)
Date: 11/22/02

The extent to which an organization espouses learning as a value, must of
necessity be a key determinant of its continued success. Learning
organizations build through learning- the capacity for innovation
essential to out-pace and out-live their competitors and counterparts
learning organizational environment is more likely to stimulate and retain
talent likely to be stifled by the monotony born out of stagnation. In the
current war for quality talent, organizations seek to be the employers
-of-choice.As organizations , we can only be as good as the quality of the
people we employ, the best of organizations must be those who offer an
environment in which quality talent thrives on continuos improvement
through learning individually and collectively. Learning organizations are
those organizations or institutions that not only espouse, stimulate new
ideas, or learn from others and their own experience- but accept the need
to unlearn in order to embrace change and the future. Organizational
learning must in my view be a strategic value for all organizations
committed to doing business long term, and competitively cope with the
vagaries of the modern business environment.

Nelson Mushariwa
Human Resources Manager - Services
Tel: 235865
Fax: 235283

[Host's note: Some time ago, I asked, "Why a Learning Org?? Why bother...
It does take effort. Why do we want learning organizations? On a personal
level, why do you want to build -- learning organizations? Why do you want
your own organization to be more of a learning organization?" I created a
collage of responses at http://www.learning-org.com/WhyLO.html and invited
additional replies. I believe this msg is a response. Feel free to add
your own comments in reply. ..Rick]


"Mushariwa, Nelson" <nelson.mushariwa@namdeb.com>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>

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