Learning Org. Criteria, Tools, etc. LO29648

From: Douglas Merchant (dougm@eclipse.net)
Date: 12/04/02

Replying to LO29628 --

>From: "Barry Mallis" <theorgtrainer@earthlink.net>

> I have become increasingly pessimistic about humankind . ....
> At worst, the sheer numbers of homo sapiens strains our future
> possibilities and hope......
> I suppose that to pass the time for the next thirty years or so until my
> death,....

> The cold has arrived here where I live. Ponds freeze, and in them snow
> squall wind leaves white shadows to the lee of ice-bound boulders. What is
> the white light which makes these shadows so tell-tale in the heart?

As we say in the US:

"But aside from that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?"

doug merchant


"Douglas Merchant" <dougm@eclipse.net>

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