Criteria for "Learning Organization" LO29686

From: PODOLSKY,JOE (HP-Cupertino,ex1) (
Date: 12/09/02

Replying to LO29663 --

Sustainable organizational success depends on results, activities, and
health. Results are the strategic and tactical goals of the organization.
Activities are the means and processes that lead to those results, and
health is the work we do (e.g., compensation, education, social) so that
the organization can sustain the appropriate activities and choose the
appropriate goals.

Ideally, all three aspects are tended to and the organization thrives.
Arguably, however, in times of organizational crisis, results must be
delivered or the leaders of the organization don't ever get the chance to
do the other two tasks. Because of this we often see smart, caring
leaders who chose to lay off people or go into bankruptcy so that at least
minimal results can be achieved. And then, hopefully, they can lead the
organization into activities and health areas that will keep crises from
happening again... or at least often.


> From: Mark W. McElroy []
> Joe:
> I agree, but when you're dealing with emergent phenomena,
> sometimes that's
> the best you can do. As for the airplane analogy, improving
> our capacity
> to fly may not always get us to the right destination, but I
> submit to you
> that getting to the right destination can't happen with
> [Host: without?]
> it. The same is true for learning and knowledge. Good
> knowledge can't
> happen without good learning, but good learning will not
> necessarily lead
> to good knowledge. The challenge for us to manage learning
> in such a way
> that it does result in good knowledge more often than not.


"PODOLSKY,JOE (HP-Cupertino,ex1)" <>

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