Organizational Learning, Org culture, Change management LO29815

Date: 01/14/03

Replying to LO29788 --

Dear LO,

When one thinks of the care that is part and parcel of 'qualified' social
work - with the infirm, the sick, the old. the vulnerable, with little
children, the disabled of mind and body, those in fear, those in debt,
those living in great poverty and distress, the care of the 'qualified'
doctors in dedicated teams who look after those with broken bones, torn
muscles, sick cells, dying bodies, the care of the parish priest who looks
after all of them insofar as he gets to meet them...the volunteer
workers...whenever I have gotten to know these kinds of people I have
always noticed two main effects...some have grown larger from the years of
experience and others been diminished, as if the care has eaten into them,
eaten them away inside out...and there is often never anyone who cares for
them...they become very reserved and quiet. The vast majority of these
people, those only who I have known are quite poor. They are always at the
bottom of the pay league. I think most often those who have seemingly
grown larger have had their efforts acknowledged by peers and others on a
semi continual basis. The very quiet, almost invisible ones, they are
quite anonymous in the society...they are ...well, that would take me to
speaking of Aquinas and 'blooms' and I am not ready. There is more
preparation time needed. I have seen this preparation in posts here
recently. Speaking as an artist, I like to see the effect. It has a
quality to it, a quietness, few people seem to notice or want to notice,
acknowledge it...Mmmmm;-) Love, Andrew

I read something the other day...was it Drucker..cannot recall, but
whoever it was said they were not at all interested at the power of
interestingness of Einstein's mind, but that minds like his were lost all
and every day in the coal mines and cotton fields. Ah h h h h
h....diminishing --- I may not see tomorrow, but that doesn't matter for
me anymore. Because I have seen the promised land...something very like
that. Like a perfume ;-)

Against the wind...a song...


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