Quality Circles LO29877

From: Douglas Merchant (dougm@eclipse.net)
Date: 02/01/03

Replying to LO29867 --

----- Original Message -----
> I might be under a misapprehension, however I believe the term Six Sigma
> is a reference to the normal distribution of data, and the 'fact' that
> 99.5% of values in a normal distribution lie within plus or minus three
> standard deviations of the mean. Is this correct? I believe 'Six Sigma'
> system refers to Statistical Process Control, am I showing my ignorance?
> Alan Cotterell

Initially the Cross was just a technology for a slow, cruel, public
death; now many embrace a religion that holds the Cross as sign of life.

Maybe "Six Sigma" and Statistical Process Control has undergone a similar
conversion. Some now embrace "Quality Management" as a business
religion/magical belief system. And, in the process, a few may have lost
understanding of the initial science and technology?

I wonder if Organizational Learning will share a similiar fate?

>From "Managers and Magic", by Graham Cleverley

Science - Skeptical, Why
Technology - Skeptical, How
Religion - Faith, Why
Magic - Faith, How

[Host's Note: Doug, thanks for this interesting 2x2! ..Rick]


doug merchant dougm@eclipse.net

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