Schools as Learning Organizations LO30119

Date: 04/20/03

Replying to LO30111 --

Thanks for this. Perhaps it might help if I expanded upon what I'm trying
to do.

I don't want to create a simple input-output system dynamics model of
school improvement through the creation of a learning organization.

I feel many writers/researchers/educators who are concerned with schools
as learning organisations are covering the same ground but mapping their
progress using different frames of reference. I feel it would be of
benefit to sketch out a broad theoretical context which establishes
interconnections between these discrete areas. Given that schools cannot
be regarded as places of linear and predictable development, despite what
reductionists might try to have us believe, we should seek develop a
theory which helps us to explain, rather than predict, the outcomes of
organizational behaviour. The outcome of my study will hopefully be a
series of models which consider particular critical incidents, which, when
considered collectively give some insight into the process of school
improvement through the application of learning organization theory.

My model for 'Schools as Learning Organizations', looks something like

Build upon the theory of chaos and complexity and argue that schools
operate within such a paradigm;

Present the case that the notions of intellectual and social capital are
the key factors in creating an effective organization;

Promote the idea that without high levels of social capital there can be
no effective transfer of intellectual capital;

Introduce the concept of knowledge management and knowledge creation and
their relationship with intellectual and social capital;

Recognise that "high leverage" strategies arise from appropriate
management of intellectual and social capital;

Adopt a transformational approach towards my role as leader - with
particular attention being paid to cultural transformation;

Identify the key features of effective schools, as derived from research -
argue that these are presented in a discrete manner and that no
interconnections are established;

Make these key features the desired outcomes of the change process;

Devise and implement a change strategy based upon Senge's five

Stimulate encourage and model and professional reflection and double-loop
learning as a key means of knowledge management whilst promoting high
social capital;

Produce systems dynamic models to reflect upon a series of interconnected
critical incidents;

Create a grounded theory of "schools as learning organizations"

As I said I'm just getting back to my studies but the past three years
have given me a chance to step back from the literature and see some of
the connections I had not previously been able to identify.

I'd welcome thoughts on the above - it is very much work in progress.




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