Extending Perspectives: Possibility of a New Journal LO30636

From: chris macrae (wcbn007@easynet.co.uk)
Date: 10/03/03

Replying to LO30624 --

Dear Dr Dash

This sounds like a wonderful idea - how can we help?

I have 2 particular ideas to start with

 1) I have myself being interviewing heads of different practice
professional associations and emerging networks on the extent that their
members want to put humanity back into organisations; there are a lot of
disciplines out there that feel that the connections between their deepest
human competences are not being used systemically by organisations today.
Indeed the measurements that organisations are governed by are
systemically sucking out the greatest human values that give relationship
solidarity to learning organisations. Would you like me to start
circulating your mail across these disciplinary groups?

 2) Could we imagine specifically asking anyone who submits a paper to
tick off which of the following they are happy to be refereed by: a)
interdisciplinary list, b) diversity of cultures list, c) systemic
practical simplicity list. I would love a journal process which ensured 2
things. First, that the editorial and referee board itself had the breadth
of harmony to review papers from such a multiplicity of human
perspectives. Second, readers of the paper could know which breadth a
particular author had been prepared to be judged by. Better still if
papers could be open sourced a while after publication to continue
connecting conversations across the pattern of disciplines, cultures and
system perspectives the author had "volunteered" to connect. I realise
this turns traditionally academic refereeing around on its head; and I
believe this would be a way of innovating extraordinarily new practical
value befitting an age where we need to systemically network
meta-disciplinary and meta-cultural understanding.

Chris Macrae

Knowledge & Emotional Intelligence Sig editor at
Transparency human systems mapping auditor at www.valuetrue.com and
Brand leadership systems beyond image-making at www.beyond-branding.com

>I invite your kind attention to the outline of a possible new journal
>that might be of interest to you. Kindly review the outline and give me
>your suggestions. Please also tell me if you would be prepared to play a
>leadership role for establishing this journal among the relevant
>communities of scholars and research-oriented professionals.


"chris macrae" <wcbn007@easynet.co.uk>

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