Contents list for Management Learning Volume 34 Issue 04 LO30765

Date: 11/07/03

Management Learning
The Journal for Managerial and Organizational Learning
Volume 34 Issue 04 - Publication Date: 1 December 2003
Representations of the Intellectual: Insights from Gramsci on Management
Carole Elliott Lancaster University, UK
Entrepreneurial Learning and Critical Reflection: Discontinuous Events as
Triggers for 'Higher-level' Learning
Jason Cope Lancaster University, UK
Practitioner Research for Organizational Knowledge: Mechanistic- and
Organistic-oriented Approaches to Insider Action Research
David Coghlan University of Dublin, Ireland
>From Measuring Clouds to Active Listening
K. Alan Rutter University of Portsmouth Business School, UK
Reviews Section
Perspectival Reviews
Sue Newell, Maxine Robertson, Harry Scarbrough and Jacky Swan, Managing
Knowledge Work, reviewed by Joseph G. Gerard
Sue Newell, Maxine Robertson, Harry Scarbrough and Jacky Swan, Managing
Knowledge Work, reviewed by Peter Groenewegen
David Holman and Richard Thorpe (eds), Management and Language: The Manager
as Practical Author, reviewed by Rachel McLean
David Holman and Richard Thorpe (eds), Management and Language: The Manager
as Practical Author, reviewed by Nanette Monin
Michael J. Handel (ed.), The Sociology of Organizations: Classic,
Contemporary, and Critical Readings, reviewed by Markus C. Becker
Laurence Gould, Lionel F. Stapley and Mark Stein (eds), The Systems
Psychodynamics of Organizations: Integrating the Group Relations Approach,
Psychoanalytic, and Open Systems Perspectives, reviewed by Susan M. Awbrey

Antonio Strati, Theory and Method in Organization Studies, reviewed by
Morten Thanning Vendelo

Annual index

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