The "deemster" problem LO19354
Fri, 25 Sep 1998 10:46:59 EDT

Replying to LO19351 --

> David Guinn writes:
> > I could take the word "deman" and change it to be "demean", and that is
> > what I fear. That is why I "lurk". I would love to dialogue, but am
> > afraid someone else will see my stupidity.

"Someone once shared an interesting analogy with me about personal folly,
comparing us each to hospital patients wearing gowns that cover everything
in front but which leave our rears uncovered for all to see. Walking with
dignity through this world becomes a matter of accepting the limitations
of the gown we wear and ignoring at least some of the naked truth about
others. "

Emil Gobersneke

Lon Badgett

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