Designing Orgs. to Utilize Knowledge LO22350 -Conf Announcement:
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 19:32:48 EDT

Come learn about designing organizations for the information Age! Work
with the newest thinkers on designing organizations for knowledge work!
Participate in design workshops and open forums to learn about tools and
techniques for designing your own organizations!

The Association for the Management of Organization Design (AMOD) invites
you to their annual conference to be held September 27 - 29, 1999 in
Savannah, GA. The theme of this year's conference is "Designing
Organizations to Use Knowledge for Competitive Advantage".

Speakers include:
- Tom Petzinger (Wall Street Journal columnist and author of The New Pioneers)
- Elliott Jacques (consultant and author of The Requisite Organization)
- Kim Fisher (consultant and author of The Distributed Mind)
- Steve Cabana (author of The Self-Managing Organization)
- Paul Myers (editor of Knowledge Management and Organizational Design)

Case presentations will include Microsoft, Lockheed-Martin, British Postal
Service, British Telecom and other Fortune 100 and international

The conference will consist of speakers, case presentations, and
interactive learning discussions. The conference will allow you to learn
about the state-of-the-art in designing organizations to maximize the use
of knowledge and will provide practical tools you can use in your company
or practice.

For registration material or additional information, please visit the AMOD
website at
<A HREF=""></A> or contact
Robin Kingma at


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