Resistance to Change LO24658

From: Winfried Dressler (
Date: 05/23/00

Replying to LO24651 --

Roy asked:

>When there is resistance to change, is it caused by rational or irrational

Isn't fear first of all just that: fear? It will contain rational and
irrational elements. A method to deal with the rational elements would be
to do all so that the proposed change get

1) real consensus by all affected that it is an
2) implementable
3) improvement with
4) all thought of negative side effects addressed and eliminated or bearable.

Then, and only then, we can see whether there are irrational elements
left. The appropriate and acceptable way to overcome irrational fear is
the famous kick in the ass. The fear will almost immediately dissolve in
joy that you have done it.

The most difficult issue in my eyes then is to reach this consensus. A
systematic path to generate such consensus, the best I know of, is
discribed in Thinking for a Change by Lisa Scheinkopf, may be supplemented
by Mortys Decision Maker process when needed.

But I am open to learn. So I am eager to hear your opinions:
Did I miss something I should know with respect to this irrational fear?
Isn't treating irrational fear in another way not always systemically
increasing it, because it serves the fears basic goal: not to get started?
Somewhere I have picked up the term 'therapy junkie'. What do you think?

Liebe Gruesse,



"Winfried Dressler" <>

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