i are a complex numbers LO28431

From: Jan Lelie (janlelie@wxs.nl)
Date: 05/08/02

Replying to LO28425 --

I've changed the subject-line: it was Hard work etc.

Dear Judy,

Thank you for seeing an i in me. I've dropped writing I because i do not
see myself as I. Writing I seems to me to impy that I is more important
then you, he, she, it, we, you and they. And indeed didn't note that i is
also the square root of -1, the door to the complex numbers. However, it
only reinforces with me the idea that me, myself and i (re)redefine
ourselves - in a complex way with projections, retrojection,
introjections, subjections - as reflections of ourselves in others. These
processes result in an ambiguous picture - not in the least because we all
want to gain from the processes and ask each other: "can i have an i for
an i" - just as if i are a complex numbers.

Thank you for the support,


Judy Tal wrote:

> The only thing that confuses me, is that after writing what I cited above,
> you open the next paragraph with the word 'We'. see ...


With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,

Jan Lelie

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