democracy LO29303

Date: 10/13/02

Dear LO,

While reading Jung the other evening I came upon the (original) ...give a
man the capacity to catch his daily fish and you raise him out of poverty
sentiment ;-)..At, I can see your pen move from here ;-)...and then I read
this by Jeff Gates...
"Democracies "show up" in the give-and-take of civic discourse. The
capacity for ongoing dialogue is the measure of a democracy's robustness
as a system meant to operate as a marketplace of ideas. The vitality of
that dialogue determines the woof and weft from which the societal net is
woven that gives shape to democracy's future. Dialogue is the domain where
values are prioritized and meaning is made. It is in those networks of
dialogue that democracies reside, and from that realm the system's rules
emerge. Democracies succeed to the extent that they evoke those
relationships required to ensure that the system grants influence to those
its operations influence."

It was something about recent evil events and the last sentence that
caught me in its own net, so to speak. "Democracies succeed to the extent
that they evoke those relationships required to ensure that the system
grants influence to those its operations influence." And I wonder if, if
it is a glint of light.



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