Democracy LO29380

From: Don Dwiggins (
Date: 10/23/02

Replying to LO29342 --

Andrew writes in LO29342:
> At, didn't the Greeks say some important things about 'moderation',
> 'balance', and 'harmony'?

I had to look for that one. Here's a quote:

   The principles supported by Vitruvius reflect, as they should, the hidden
   structure of his literate mind and that of his clients and his followers
   for 2000 years. They are "Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas", stability,
   utility, beauty. As the encyclopedia goes on to say: Of such principles or
   qualities the following appear to be the most important: size, harmony,
   proportion, symmetry, ornament and color. All other elements may be reduced
   under one or the other of these heads.

... from (with
   the provocative title of " The architecture of intelligence").

How might these principles be applied to design or evaluate the
"architecture of a democracy"? In a democracy, who gets to be the/an


Don Dwiggins Man ascends through the discovery of the fullness of his own gifts. What he creates along the way are monuments to the stages of his understanding of nature and of self. -- Jacob Bronowski, "The Ascent of Man"

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