The binding forces of an enemy LO30909

From: Gray Southon (
Date: 01/22/04

Replying to LO30902 --

You point to a very important phenomenon. However, it is not
necessarily an enemy as such that generates this cohesion, it is a
common task. This cohesion was demonstrated in Sydney during the
Olympic Games when many thousands of volunteers from around the
country converged to make the games successful. Such energies can also
be found in responding to disasters (though this might be interpreted
as an 'enemy'.

When we have leaders that identify and inspire people to address a
common task, then we have great things happening. Unfortunately, all
too often that task presented in terms of an enemy (it is much easier)
- but that is not necessary.

Yes- co-creativity is a concept that is difficult to encapsulate into
an inspiring image. However, I suggest that the environment was in a
similar position fifty years ago.

Maybe in another fifty years ......


Gray Southon

At 23:35 20/01/04, you wrote:

>Since december I struggle with a strange thought: why do enemies
>create such a strong attraction so that they could create a unity?
>What and where is the source of this attraction power?
>Let me first give some simple examples.
>Communist Soviet Union created co-creativity in the western world.
>There was a strong feeling of uniteness. At present this 'enemy' has
>disappeared and the unity in the western world fell apart.
[..snip by your host..]
Gray Southon
56 Robins Rd, Tauranga, New Zealand
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