What is Structure? LO25499

From: David Wilkinson (dwilkinson@nisdc.org)
Date: 10/20/00


I would like to seek perspectives of listserv members on an area of
learning that I am pursuing. I want to have a good grip on systems
thinking and a variety of ways to see the system.

My question is - What is structure in a system? Is it visible, invisible
or both? Is it formal or informal or both? What is it?

I appreciate your willingness to help me think this through. I will
organize the responses I receive and make them available to the list.

Thanks for reading.


David Wilkinson, Director for Leadership Development
New Iowa Schools Development Corporation
777 Third Street, Suite 317
Des Moines, Iowa 50309-1317
Phone 515.471.8055 Fax 515.471.8057
email dwilkinson@nisdc.org


"David Wilkinson" <dwilkinson@nisdc.org>

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